Huna Heritage Foundation
Our Vision - HHF is a sustainable organization perpetuating our Way of Life for all generations.
Our Mission - Enrich Our Way of Life in perpetuity.

Hoonah Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp #12 Ladies Edith Bean, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Katherine Mills, Jessie Gray, Mary Johnson.

Cannery Docks and Pilings 1948

Eva Davis, Jennie Lindoff, Ida Kadashan, Richard Dalton, Sr. dancing in regalia.

Hoonah Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp #12 Ladies Edith Bean, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Katherine Mills, Jessie Gray, Mary Johnson.
Huna Heritage Foundation was established in 1990 by Huna Totem Corporation as a non-profit affiliate to foster and support educational and cultural opportunities for shareholders and descendants.
What does Huna Heritage Foundation Do?
Fostering and supporting higher learning is a priority for both Huna Totem Corporation (HTC) and Huna Heritage Foundation (HHF). HHF awards scholarships for students accepted to or attending a college, university, vocational school or cultural training. Funding is awarded to Huna Totem Shareholders and their descendants on behalf of Huna Totem Corporation. Please contact us with any questions or for assistance applying. For an application visit our Education Assistance page.
Our Way of Life
Our Way of Life encompasses the cultural traditions inherited from our ancestors and the legacy we collectively and actively work towards for our future generations. It is our goal to provide classes, events and other learning opportunities once per quarter to foster traditional knowledge sharing on Our Way of Life. Please visit the Our Way of Life page to learn more.
Library and Archives
A core program of HHF is the Library and Archives. HHF stewards a diverse variety of materials including historic and cultural photographs/images, audio and visual recordings, articles and papers specific to the Hoonah Tlingit culture and language. Improving accessibility and use of the collection to shareholders is integral to the mission of HHF. Our reference library has approximately 250 books pertinent to Alaska Native and Tlingit culture and history. Please visit our Library and Archives page for more information.
Online Digital Archives
The Huna Heritage Digital Archives is a website dedicated to preserving and providing access to material of historic and cultural value for the education and enjoyment of current and future generations. Please consider donating copies of your photographs (we can copy and return your photographs within minutes in our Hoonah or Juneau offices) for others to enjoy now and into the future. You can access the digital archives website at and you can visit the Library and Archives page to learn more about our internationally acclaimed digital archives.
Hoonah Veteran’s Committee
Hoonah veterans are a great source of pride to our community. Comprised of seven Hoonah veterans, the Hoonah Veteran’s Committee is a standing committee that guides efforts to support, honor and celebrate our Hoonah veterans. For more information please visit the About Us page.
Donations to Community
Huna Heritage Foundation provides financial support to activities that align with our mission and vision. These events benefit a significant number of shareholders and descendants. For more information and to apply please go to the Our Way of Life page.
Consultation & Educational Outreach
Huna Heritage Foundation provides educational presentations to students, staff and classrooms at schools, conferences and other cultural gatherings. We also present as part of panels and for hire to businesses and corporations to earn revenue that supports our programs and services. We also consult and present to the public at no cost.
Collaboration & Partnerships
It is through partnerships that we experience the greatest success. HHF actively engages with the City of Hoonah, Icy Strait Point, Hoonah Indian Association, Hoonah City Schools, Sealaska Heritage Institute, the Alaska State Library Archives and Museum, Washington State University Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation and the Arete Project to collaborate on areas of mutual focus where goals and objectives align.